dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2012



  1. Team sports. Can you name a team sport beginning with these letters; F, R, C, H, I, B? When you finish, read the texts quickly to see if your sports are the same.

A.Team sports – The importance of taking part.

Most children enjoy doing team sports. These are some of the reasons why they think it is good to do team sports:

  • To have fun

  • To keep fit and healthy

  • To be with friends

  • To make new friends

  • To improve their game

  • To win

These are all good reasons, but team sports are good for other reasons too. All sports are good for our health and fitness, but being part of a team is good for us socially and emotionally.

While we play football, basketball, volleyball or any other team sport for fun, to be with friends, to keep fit, to play well or to win, we are also practicing social and emotional skills. If we are part of a team, we feel we belong to a community and we learn to follow its rules. Playing team sports also gives us a chance to learn and practice important life lessons like working with others to achieve a common goal.

These are values which are very as important in everyday life. This is why PE teachers focus on participation, not winning, because all of the physical, social and emotional benefits of team sports come from taking part, not winning.

B. Some advantages of taking part in team sports are:

  • Better physical fitness

  • Development of healthy exercise habits

  • More confidence

  • A healthy body image

  • Relief from depression

  • Opportunities for socialising

  • A sense of belonging

  • Social networking

  • Learning to respect authority and rules

  • A sense of being part of a community.

(Source: http://www.kidsexercise.co.uk/teamsports.html)

C. Popular team sports in the UK

Football is the most popular spectator sport in the UK. Rugby and cricket are in second and third place. They play cricket from April to September. Football is also the most popular recreational sport. Hockey is in second place. The British men’s hockey team won the 1988 Olympic tournament. Ice hockey is the UK’s most popular indoor spectator sport. There is an ice hockey league with 4 Scottish clubs, 4 English clubs, 1 Northern Irish club and 1 Welsh club. In Ireland, hurling and Gaelic football are popular team sports. Not many people in the UK play basketball. British school children often play netball (similar to basketball) and rounders (similar to baseball).

  1. Read the three texts about team sports. Decide whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE according to the information in the texts.

  1. One reason that children do team sports is to have a good time.

  2. You can get health problems from doing team sports.

  3. Some of the things we learn doing a team sport are useful in other parts of our lives.

  4. Teachers think it is important to win when you do a team sport.

  5. Some people think that doing a team sport makes their body look better.

  6. People don’t usually make friends while they are doing team sports.

  7. In the UK, the most popular sport for watching and playing is football.

  8. In the UK, the second most popular sport for both watching and playing is hockey.

  9. Not many people enjoy watching ice hockey.

  10. Basketball is not popular in the UK.

  1. Do a youtube search to watch people doing hurling, Gaelic football, netball or rounders. Describe what you can see.