divendres, 16 de desembre del 2011


Mince Pies

Ingredients list:
f Pastry for 2 pies.
f 2 cups of chopped apples.
f ½ cup of raisins.
f 16 x chopped pecan halves.
f 3 tablespoons of rum flavoring.
f Fruit mincemeat.
l Prepare pastry crusts and line the bottom of an 8 inch pie dish.
l In a large bowl, mix the fruit mincemeat, raisins, apples, and pecans.
l Stir in flavoring slowly until well mixed.
l Spoon into the crust.
l Roll out top pastry crust and place over the filling.
l Flute the crust edge.
l Bake 30 minutes or until until golden brown at 350 F.

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